Time schedules of the first and last metros in Paris

Time schedules of the first and last metros in Paris

Packed with Mugles, huh? Well, metro is a pain sometimes, bet never is more a pain as when there is none. So keep these time schedules handy, so that you will be able to catch the last metro.

I put these pictures on-line because:

  1. I am too lazy to write them up in a text file
  2. RATP decided they would not publish them on their web site (at least, not when I decided to put up this page)
  3. I need them there so I can access them from anywhere.
If you can benefit from it, well... Be my guest.

File created 20/12/2001 AD 00:56:58 with software albagtor.pl version 3.1, last update 20/12/2001 AD 00:56:58 by Baptiste MARCEL (voir page Contact), located in Asnières-sur-Seine (France).
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